Health, Safety, Security & Environment (Hsse)

Safeguarding health, safety, security and environmental protection is a priority for us. In our HSSE Policy, we commit to preventing all accidents, injuries and occupational illness, and to protect the environment. We therefore continually optimize all of our subsidiaries’ activities with a view to technical, organizational and behavior-based safety and promote a proactive safety culture. The Company has adopted and adheres to the Sustainable Development Policy. It defines objectives, tasks and operating principles of the Company in the field of sustainable development, approaches to interaction with stakeholders, reporting principles. For more information, please, see the Sustainable Development Policy in the Sustainable Development section at Kurasha Petroleum website

Sustainable Development Policy.

The Company has adopted and adheres to the Sustainable Development Policy. It defines objectives, tasks and operating principles of the Company in the field of sustainable development, approaches to interaction with stakeholders, reporting principles. For more information, please, see the Sustainable Development Policy in the Sustainable Development section at Kurasha Petroleum website. Kurasha Petroleum stance towards labour, environmental, safety, security and support for local communities in its operations areas are an integral part of the corporate strategy designed to create a sound basis for the Company’s sustainable development in the long term.

Health & Safety

Each company has implemented adequate counter-measures to secure the security of our facilities in line with the local, individual security risks. The measures comprise fencing, camera surveillance, motion detectors and access-control systems.
  • → risk assesment
  • → Preventive medical care
  • → healthy and safety on busness trips
  • → Fire protection
  • → involvment in associaton

Security of our Facilities

Each company has implemented adequate counter-measures to secure the security of our facilities in line with the local, individual security risks. The measures comprise;
  • → Fencing
  • → Camera surveillance
  • → Motion detectors
  • → Access Control

Environmental Protection

Our activities impact the environment both directly and indirectly. We therefore want to make every effort to position ourselves as an environmentally friendly company within our business activities - a company that keeps a negative impact on the environment to an absolute minimum

Labour Standards

Compliance with the standards of the international Labor Organizatio (ILO) is laid down in our binding Code of Conduct. Furthermore, we determine here that salaries shall be regulated based solely on qualifications, performance, and other work-related factors such as responsibility, skill, and experience.

ISO Certified

Alpine Oil Kazakhstan QA and Environmental Management System has been certified pursuant to these standards: ISO 9001;2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007.